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Forside 5 Referencer 5 Viborg Animation Festival

Viborg Animation Festival

Viborg Animationsfestival – eller VAF – er Danmarks største animationsfestival og fejrer animationskultur på højt internationalt niveau. Festivalen afholdes hvert år på forskellige venues i Viborg og har mere end 60 forskellige events på programmet i løbet af en uge.

VAF havde brug for en hjemmeside på både dansk og engelsk, som kunne fortælle om festivalen samt give et overblik over de mange events, datoer og tidspunkter, alt sammen vist i en kalender. Webfar har stået for udviklingen af sitet, og vi synes selv det er blevet et rigtigt godt resultat.

Wordpress, EventON

Events / Booking / Tickets

Graphic Design

Sandra Brunkow Simonsen

Sandra Brunkow Simonsen

Project-coordinator with Viborg Animation Festival

Det siger Viborg Animation Festival om Webfar

Morten and Kasama delivered excellent work! As well as being thorough and detail oriented, they delivered great perspective and advice regarding the technical aspects of the work but also in terms of user experience and visual style.

Communication was smooth and it was always possible to get a meeting no matter the complexity of the work. Our case required a lot of flexibility from the developers since a great amount of information was delivered in a short time, and our deadline was strict – Morten and Kasama took on the challenges without hesitation!

We are thrilled with the result and very happy with the process!

- Sandra Brunkow Simonsen